International Patents have been granted for a range of the techniques developed for the Starfish TS Splicer.

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Starfish granted international patents for TS Splicer

Reading, UK, August 2020: Starfish Technologies, a pioneer in transport stream processing and advertising insertion, has been granted European and US patents that cover a range of techniques employed within its TS splicer product. The TS Splicer is a software-based solution for clean switching of encoded transport streams and is used for media switching and content replacement for advertising insertion and slating.

Starfish Marketing Director Peter Blatchford said, “We are incredibly proud to have been granted patents that cover a number of techniques that were invented by our engineering team. The benefits of these techniques enable the TS splicer to offer clean switching of encoded streams across different modes of operation.

Our customers have long recognised the benefits in the performance of our product and we are delighted that this intellectual property is now formally protected.”